Monday 2 May 2016

Your Identity

I've heard a lot of people say that reading the Bible is important. Most Christians will have. You likely have even experienced people trying to make you feel guilty for not reading it more.

I heard a sermon this week that was centered around the importance of identity. Suggesting that it's incredibly important - fundamental, even - that we know who we are as Children of God. That resonated with me.

A comment in this preacher's message was that reading the bible is important so that we don't forget who we are. That really resonated.

Ephesians 6:12 says this:
For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
I think it's a fact of life that while we live on this earth, there is a force that will consistently be trying to destroy our identity as Children of God. To make us doubt what God has said about us, and who God has said we are.

If we are in complete assurance that we are loved by God (which is what God says we are - loved by Him) - voices or ideas that say otherwise are naked in the light of that truth. They are exposed and can be more easily dismissed in our minds.

So to expand a little bit on this nugget from the sermon - I leave this idea with you: That it is vital to continually be listening to God (in His Word, in prayer, in song, in community, whatever) so that we don't forget who we are. Or maybe that means learning who you are in Christ for the first time!

This has been a big help for me over the past week in the ongoing battle of doing away with a petty, religious god in my head (reading the bible out of guilt or obligation), and seeking Him freely because I actually want to. It's almost like there's a tangible benefit to studying God's word and it's not just a burdensome quota we need to subject ourselves to, to maintain right-standing with God?????? IT'S ALMOST LIKE THIS IS ACTUALLY GOOD NEWS?????

The lie that is often ensnared in my mind when people encourage me to read the Bible is this:
You're not measuring up because you don't read the bible enough. God is disappointed in you. You need to step it up and do more. You're a failure and your performance is the reason you feel this way.
 Again - that's a lie. God loved us, knowing all of the mistakes we would make, before the world was created. Nothing in all creation can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. Here's my attempt at summarizing the 'good news' this nugget felt like to me:
God loves you immensely and unconditionally. There's a book in your hands right now that you are free to read whenever you want that will testify to that truth and help ground you in it. Driving the truth of that love deeper will actually strengthen you in the battle against voices and beliefs that you're worthless. 
What a gongshow in my mind this is.

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